8 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

US Airdrops Weapons To Kobane, Turkey To Allow Kurdish Peshmerga Into Town

IS began its offensive by first capturing the villages of Zor Mughar, Beyadi and Ziyarete, 40-45 kilometers (25-28 miles) west of Kobani. The YPG pushed IS out of these villages after hard-fought battles. IS left behind more than 100 dead, a Humvee, a tank, some Doushka heavy machine guns and automatic weapons. The Al-Nusra Front is also heavily involved, along with other Opposition brigades, in fighting which has broken out near the Israeli and Lebanese border area of the Golan Heights. The battleground near Mount Hermon has seen at least killed 26 pro-government forces and 14 rebels and Jihadi fighters killed. There were heavy attacks by IS on the crossing point to Turkey behind Kobane city yesterday, Tuesday, but IS did not gain any ground. In contrast to its hostility to the PYD, Turkey in recent years has built up strong relations with the Kurdish authorities in the Kurdistan region of Iraq who control the peshmerga forces. Erdogan said he believed that there were now no civilians left in Kobane, which lies just south of the Turkish border, and some 2,000 fighters inside the city. Turkey is hosting 200,000 refugees from the Kobane region and wants a security zone created inside Syria to accommodate them.kobani news live Ayn Al-Arab is the town's official Arabic name. The locals, practically all of them ethnic Kurds, call it Kobane. It is defended not by the Syrian forces of President Bashar Al-Assad in faraway Damascus, which has left the Kurds of the north to their own devices, but by the People's Protection Units (YPG, after its Kurdish initials), a local militia. The Kurds, who number up to 30 million people living in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran, are said to be the largest ethnic group without a state of its own. Opposition sources say that following the heavy casualties in Kobane from both the YPG and Coalition airstrikes, the Islamic State is constantly pulling more fighters from Raqqah, Aleppo, Hasakah and Deir Ez-Zour. Many of these kobane news are accompanied by raw recruits straight from their training camps who have little or no combat experience. Men are seeing carrying guns in the streets, while other armed fighters hide in one of the many destroyed buildings. The ministry said Turkey was responsible for "every single drop of blood that has been shed in Syria" because it provided political, military and logistical support to terrorist organizations and was a conduit for militants traveling to Syria. Abbott warned that the deployment to Iraq could be "quite lengthy," lasting months rather than weeks, but that it would be no longer than strictly necessary.
Islamic State militants have killed or displaced Shi'ite Muslims, Christians and other communities deemed enemies of their ultra-radical brand of Sunni Islam. They executed at least 220 Iraqi Sunnis in kobane news retaliation for opposition to their takeover of territory west of Baghdad this week. Dernière vidéo du #YPG montrant le résultat de bombardements sur #Kobanê +butin d'armes extrait des bombardements. But despite seven weeks of fierce fighting and the reinforcements on both sides, fighting positions around Kobani remain much the same as they did several weeks ago, with ISIS controlling about 40 percent kobane news of the town, according to Syrian and Kurdish activists and observers. Please consider subscribing - select one of the rates from the pulldown form below - or making a donation today. Thank you!kobani news today Smoke rises from the Syrian town of Kobani, as seen from the Turkish-Syrian border near the southeastern town of Suruc, Oct. 6, 2014. Newly arrived Syrian Kurdish refugees stand at the back of a truck after crossing into Turkey from the Syrian border town Kobani, near the southeastern Turkish town of Suruc, Oct. 6, 2014. In Baghdad,ministers have finally approved MPs to spearhead the fight against IS after weeks of delay. In Kobanê, notwithstanding their unquestionable bravery, the few thousand who stayed to defend the city have been fighting on their own. The bulk of the local population fled the city. But earlier the PYD could have appealed to the initiative of all workers, peasants and young people, kobane news encouraging them to unite, to set up defence committees, to set up street barricades, and to thereby play an active role in the protection and fortification of their city -along the lines of the anti-fascist resistance in Barcelona in 1936, albeit in different circumstances.

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