8 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

Assault On Kobane

 Kurdish forces in Kobane have repulsed ISIL's latest attempt to seal off the border with Turkey as troops battle jihadists in neighbouring Iraq. While Kurdish forces in the border town are blocked on three sides by the Islamic State, their only opportunity to receive weapons and other supplies would be through the Turkish border. However, Abdo said the Turkish government is not allowing Kurdish reinforcements to cross the border. Additionally, Abdo said Turkish border patrol have also been allowing ISIS fighters to freely cross the border. I am criticizing this decision because we need these forces in the other fronts in Aleppo. The situation is very critical in Aleppo right now, regime forces have been surrounding the city for some time,” Nizar al-Khatib told kobane news a group of journalists at a press conference in Istanbul on Oct. 30. Around 200 Syrian rebels on Oct. 29 entered the embattled town of Kobane from Turkey in a push to help Kurdish fighters battle ISIL militants there.kobane news twitterkobani news live The U.S. and its allies have been reluctant to send ground troops to take on ISIS in either Syria or Iraq, fearing a high death toll and vulnerability to retaliatory attacks. In the case of Kobani, the political stakes have been even higher. The Kurdish town is defended by the People's Protection Units or YPG — a group with close links to a designated terrorist organization, the Kurdistan Worker's Party or PKK. A senior state official in the nearby town of Suruc said soldiers used tear gas but were not aware of any deaths or injuries from a shooting, CNN Turk reported. The military General Staff did not kobane news comment on the incident. US defence department spokesman John Kirby said several hundred” militants had been killed in and around the besieged town, though it could very well still fall” to IS. He said: Now the battle for Kobani is coming to an end. The mujahideen are just mopping up now, street to street, and building to building. You can occasionally hear erratic gunfire in the background as a result of those operations. Authenticy of reporting location was not possible to determine with certainty. Intelligence services of Western countries are analyzing video, but there is no confirmation of authenticity, or about location of detaineed John Cantlie. One important difference of these recent attacks is that ISIS has been employing many Western made heavy weapons seized from Iraqi army around Mosul in the past weeks. Moreover, YPG sources are stating that Iraqi generals from the Saddam era have joined ISIS and kobane news are coordinating the attacks against the Kurds. The main questions for Syria analysts was whether or not the Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) had advanced weaponry and military capabilities that could repel these attacks and keep control of the region. Our fears increased as our relatives fled their homes in the suburbs after Isis moved in. They told us horrible stories about massacres committed by militants against civilians. Even old men praying in the mosque could not avoid being killed by Isis. I ask the countries of the world and all the Kurdish parties and the Kurdistan Region to aid Kobane and clear it of ISIS,” Muslim said.
Nevertheless, city authorities said on Saturday that the Kurds were still in control as fighting between the Syrian Kurdish militia (YPG) and IS militants continued, according to Turkey's Doğan News Agency. Ankara has strained relations with the largest ethnic Kurdish minority in the country, which has been demanding a separate state for decades while using both peaceful protests and guerrilla warfare. Turkey says the scope of the campaign in Syria should be broadened to seek to remove Assad from power. It has sought a no-fly zone in northern Syria, which would require the coalition to take on Assad's air force as well as Islamic State, a move Washington has not agreed to. However with Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighters seeking to halt the IS advance, a Kurdish flag could still be seen flying from a roof in the centre of the town, the correspondent said.

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