30 Kasım 2014 Pazar

Demirtaş; İŞİD Türkiye'yi Kullanarak Kobani'ye Saldırıyor

HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş, IŞİD'in Türkiye topraklarını kullanarak Kobani'ye saldırdığını ve bunun görüntülerinin olduğunu öne sürdü.

HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş, partisinin Gaziantep İl Başkanlığı Kongresi’ne katıldı. Kongrede konuşurken halkın iktidardan memnun olmadığını öne süren Demirtaş, Türkiye ’yi yönetecek, Türkiye’deki her kesimi kucaklayacak bir politika üretmeye aday alternatif parti olduklarını anlatırken, "Biz sadece Kürt, Türk halkının Arap’ın, Çerkez’in, Sünni’nin değil Türkiye’deki bütün kimliklerin ortak partisi olacağız" dedi.

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın kadın-erkek eşitliği konusunda yaptığı açıklamayı eleştiren Demirtaş, yaşamın kadın demek olduğunu, iktidardaki zihniyetin yaşamın kendisini ’Kadınla erkek eşit olamaz’ diye açıkladığını savundu. HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Selahattin Demirtaş, şöyle konuştu:

"Kadınla erkeğin fıtratında eşitlik yoktur’ diyor. Yani kadın yaşamın her alanında ikinci sınıf olacak, erkek bütün dünyanın, malın, mülkün, devletin, yönetimin sahibi olacak. Kadınlar sadece devlete ve erkeğe hizmet etmekle görevli olacak. Bunların zihniyeti ve anlayışı bu. Bunu kabul etmek, bunu bu şekilde inanarak yürekten savunmak demek, özgürlükten ve demokrasiden bir şey anlamamış olmak demektir. Siz kendiniz dışındaki bir insanı, kadın olduğu için yada inancı mezhebi sizden olmadığı için reddediyorsanız, onu insan yerine koymuyorsanız, kendinizden alçakta görüyorsanız kusura bakmayın ama asıl alçak sizsiniz." 


Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ı Cumhurbaşkanı Sarayı üzerinden eleştiren Demirtaş, Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sarayı’yla ilgili de şunları söyledi:

"Şöyle dönün etrafınıza bakın. Gaziantep’teki işsizlik, yoksulluk. dönüp vicdan gözüyle Ankara’ya, seçtiklerinize, oy verdiklerinize bir bakın. Nasıl yaşıyorlar? Geçenlerde ülkenin Cumhurbaşkanı ’Biz bir hurma ile karnını doyuran Hz. peygamberin takipçileriyiz’ diyor. Mübarek kusura bakma ama senin bin odalı sarayın varken bunu söylemeye hakkın yok. Sizin servetinizin haddi hesabı yok. Çocuklarınız, etrafınız, yakınlarınız, bakanlarınız, milletvekilleriniz, belediye başkanlarınız, sizin partinizden beslenenlerin malını, mülkünü koyabileceği yer yok. Parayı saklayacak yer bulamıyorlar. Bu nasıl peygamber geleneğidir? Hz. peygamberimizin kefeninden başka bir şeyi yoktu. Bizim ülkenin Cumhurbaşkanı sayılı zenginlerin arasına girmiştir. Devlet başkanları arasında en zengin olanlarıdır. Açıkladığı malı mülküyle, açıklamadıklarıyla. Dünyanın en zengin adamlarından biri bizim ülkeyi yönetiyor ve fakir fukara edebiyatı yapıyor. Saraya harcadığı paraya bakın. Biz saraylar ülkesi miyiz? Bu kadar yoksulluk perişanlık olacak, ülkenin yarısı gecekonduda yaşıyor, ülkenin yarısının başını sokabileceği doğru düzgün bir evi yok. Yüzbinlerce ailemiz tezekle ışıyor ama ülkenin itibarı sarsılmasın diye beyefendi kendisine saray yaptırıyor, sarayda yaşayacak ve kendilerinin bütün kesimleri kucakladığını söyleyecek. Bu gidişatı, bu rezaleti HDP durdurmayacak da kim durduracak? İşte görev bize düşüyor. HDP bu ülkenin umudu olacak o saraylar onlara dar olacak."

Demirtaş, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın halen Başbakan gibi davrandığını ifade ederek, seçimlerden sonra Başkanlığı’nı ilan edeceğini öne sürdü. HDP olarak başkanlık sistemine karşı çıkacaklarını söyleyen Demirtaş, şöyle devam etti:

"Anayasa’da olmayan yetkileri de kullanıp, AKP propagandası yapıyor her yerde. Şu anda Cumhurbaşkanlığı makamını ele geçirmiş durumda ama hükümette bir başbakan yok. Kendisi aynı zamanda başbakanlık yapıyor. Dikkat edin ülke başbakanın ülke ile konuşacak ne bir gündemi, ne de bir konusu var. Ülkede her şeyi Cumhurbaşkanı konuşuyor. ’12 yılda şunları, bunları yaptık’ diyor. Sen mi yaptın? Hükümet mi yaptı? Partin mi yaptı? Ama tamamını kendine mal edip hükümeti de baypas ediyor. Bunu ülkeyi tek adam, başkanlık sistemine hazırlamak için yapıyor. Seçimden sonra yeteri kadar gücü olursa, tek başına Anayasa’yı değiştirecek ve krallığını ilan edip, ’Ben başkan oldum’ diyecek. Anayasa’da bir maddeyi değiştirip Cumhurbaşkanı yerine başkanlık sistemini ilan edecek. Şu anda bunun hazırlığını yapıyor. Bunun önünde en büyük engel de HDP olacak. Biz HDP olarak başkanlık sistemine asla ’Evet’ demeyeceğiz."

Kobani’ye destek amacıyla Gaziantep’te yaşanan olayları provokasyon olduğunu kaydeden Demirtaş, en büyük kışkırtmaları Başbakan’ın yaptığını ve faturayı HDP’ye çıkardığını savunarak şöyle dedi:

"Gaziantep gibi yerlerde kışkırtmalara prim vermeyelim. Kobani direnişi sırasında burada da ciddi provokasyonlar yaptılar. Ellerinde palalarla, silahlarla, kasaturalarla insanları sokaklara salıp, burada 5 kişinin katledilmesine yol açtılar. Onların hepsi, bilinçli provokasyonlardı. Bunları da getirip HDP’ye, bize mal etmeye çalıştılar. Burada 5 insan katledildi, nerede failleri? HDP yapmışsa buyurun ortaya çıkarın. Görüntüler var, fotoğraflar var. Kimlerin örgütlediği, kimlerin öncülük ettiği belli ama dikkat edin bu ülkede en büyük kışkırtmayı Başbakan’ın kendisi yapıyor sonra dönüp faturayı bize çıkartıyor. Şimdiler de MHP ile aralarında kışkırtmaca oynuyorlar. ’Oraya gidemezsin, şuraya gidemezsin’, öbürü de bu kışkırtmanın karşısında herhalde il il gezecek öyle görünüyor. Bir ülkenin Başbakan’ını düşünün ki Dersim’de provokasyon çıkarmak için elinden geleni yapsın."


Seçim dönemlerinde hükümetin izlediği politikaları de eleştiren Demirtaş, şöyle söyledi:

"Başbakan hızını alamayacak, MHP’den daha milliyetçi olmaya başlayacak. Bunu göreceksiniz, her seçim döneminde yaşıyoruz. Seçim biter dünyanın en demokratik hükümeti olurlar, bir ay bakarsınız ki şeriatçı bir hükümet, öbür ay bakarsınız yine milliyetçi hükümet. Bukalemun gibiler. Bir çizgileri yok, ilkeleri yok, omurgaları yok ancak bütün bu görünen fotoğrafların arkasında onların esas bir gündemi var. O gündem de IŞİD ile örtüşüyor. Asıl zihniyetleri IŞİD zihniyetidir. Sakladıkları, gizledikleri zihniyet IŞİD zihniyetidir. Bundan emin olun. Hiçbiri IŞİD’den rahatsız değil, bu güne kadar IŞİD’e karşı tek sert bir cümle duymadık ağızlarından."


IŞİD’in önceki gün Türkiye topraklarından Kobani’ye saldırdığını ve görüntülerin olduğunu iddia eden Demirtaş, şu iddialarda bulundu:

"IŞİD, dün Kobani topraklarına Türkiye’den saldırı yaptı. Valilik, Genel Kurmay ve Başbakanlık inkar edici açıklamalar yaptı. Fotoğraf, görüntüler var. Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi, Tarım Bakanlığı’nın bir kurumudur. TMO, o silolar Türkiye sınırı içerisindedir. Görüntülerde açık açık var; IŞİD barbarları, TMO silolarından Kobani’ye ateş ediyorlar. Dünkü görüntüler var. Oraya nasıl rahat bir şekilde girebiliyorlar? Nasıl oradan bu şekilde bir savaş yürütüyorlar? Bunu açıklamaları lazım. Orada 70 gündür nöbet tutanları copluyorlar ama IŞİD barbarları Türkiye sınırını rahat rahat kullanabiliyorlar. Başbakan’ın çıkıp bu konuyla ilgili açıklama yapması gerekiyor. IŞİD barbarlarının sınırı kullanma izni verildi mi? Bundan haberiniz var mı?"  (DHA/Metin Faruk TAMER)

Antep'te Kobani Gerginliği

Gaziantep'te, IŞİD'i protesto etmek amacıyla toplanan yüzleri maskeli gruba polis, basınçlı su ve biber gazıyla müdahale etti.
IŞİD'in, Suriye 'nin Halep kentine bağlı Kobani İlçesi'ndeki saldırılarını protesto eden 150 kişilik grup, akşam saatlerinde Beybahçe ve Vatan mahallelerinde toplandı. 

Polis, yüzlerini poşularla gizleyen çoğunluğu çocuklardan oluşan gruba dağılmaları yönünde uyarılarda bulundu. Yapılan uyarıları dikkate almayan gruptakilere polis su ve biber gazıyla müdahale etti. 

Müdahalenin ardından gruptakiler, ara sokaklara dağıldı. Polis, bölgedeki güvenlik önlemlerini arttırdı. (DHA/Metin Faru

PKK Lideri Öcalan; Darbe ve Kaos Kapıda

mralı Adası'nda dün Abdullah Öcalan'la görüşen HDP heyeti yazılı bir açıklama yaptı. Açıklamada, Öcalan'ın daha önceki geri çekilme çağrıları için 'özeleştiri' verdiği ve 4-5 ay içinde çözüm gelişmemesi halinde 'darbe uyarısı' yaptığı belirtildi.

 PKK lideri Abdullah Öcalan'la, tutuklu bulunduğu İmralı Adası'nda dün bir görüşme gerçekleştiren HDP heyeti, bu görüşmenin içeriğine ilişkin bir açıklama yayınladı. Yapılan yazılı açıklamada, “Tarafların belirtilen hususlarda süreci doğru, ciddi ve kararlı yürütmesi halinde, en fazla 4-5 ay içinde tüm Ortadoğu'nun geleceğini belirleyecek büyük demokratik çözümün sağlanabileceğini vurgulayan Öcalan, bu ciddiyet ve kararlılığın gösterilmemesi durumunda, bölgesel kaosun derinleşeceği ve darbe mekaniğinin sonuç alabileceği uyarısını yapmıştır” denildi. Hatip Dicle'nin de heyete dahil olmasıyla gerçekleştirilen ziyaret öncesinde Öcalan'ın yeni bir 'eylemsizlik' çağrısı yapabileceği yorumları yapılıyordu. Ancak Öcalan'ın, böyle bir çağrı yapmadığı gibi daha önce yaptığı 'çekilme' çağrısından 'yanılsama' olarak söz etmesi dikkat çekti. Öcalan'ın daha önceki bazı açıklamalarında da dile getirdiği 'darbe mekaniği' kavramını tekrar kullanması da dünkü görüşmenin önemli bir ayrıntısı olarak kayda geçti.

İmralı Adası'nda dün Abdullah Öcalan ile görüşen Sırrı Süreyya Önder, Pervin Buldan, İdris Baluken ve Hatip Dicle'den oluşan HDP Heyeti, açıklama yaptı. Açıklamada, yaklaşık 4 saat süren görüşmede " AKP Hükümeti'nin mevcut politika ve yaklaşımları, Kürt Ulusal Kongre çalışmaları, Kobani ve Rojava başta olmak üzere Ortadoğu'daki gelişmeler ve diğer güncel olgular detaylı bir şekilde tartışılıp değerlendirilmiştir" denildi. 

HDP'den yapılan yazılı açıklamada, Öcalan'ın 'Barış ve Demokratik Müzakere Süreci Taslağı'nı olgunlaştırdığı ve devlet heyetiyle üzerinde tartıştıklarını söylediği vurgulandı. Açıklamada şöyle denildi:

“Sayın Öcalan, uzunca bir süredir üzerinde çalıştığı 'Barış ve Demokratik Müzakere Süreci Taslağı'nı genel hatlarıyla olgunlaştırdığını ve devlet heyetiyle detaylı bir şekilde üzerinde tartıştıklarını, gelinen nokta itibarıyla üzerinde müzakere yürütülebilecek bir çerçeve olduğu konusunda mutabık kaldıklarını belirtmiştir. Bu müzakere taslağı, heyetimizle de paylaşılmış olup en kısa zamanda halklarımızın da bilgi, öneri ve katkılarına sunulacaktır. Heyetimiz, paylaşılan bu taslakta belirtilen 'Çözüm Önerileri'ni, 'Müzakere Başlıkları'nı ve 'Eylem Planı'nı sürecin bütün tarafları ve paydaşlarıyla tartışıp, olgunlaştırarak, ortaya çıkan sonuçları en kısa süre içerinde Sayın Öcalan'a aktaracaktır.”

HDP tarafından yapılan açıklamada, Öcalan'ın 'demokratik çözüm' ve 'yasal zemin' vurgusu yapılırken, sürecin bundan sonraki tüm aşamalarında, demokratik çözümün yasal güvencelerinin oluşturulmasının zorunluluk olduğu bu güvenceler sağlanmadan nihai barış ve demokrasi hedefine varmanın mümkün olmadığını vurguladığı kaydedildi. Açıklamada şöyle denildi:

“Bu kapsamda, hem Habur sürecinde barış gruplarının ülkeye girişleri ve devamında bu insanların maruz kaldığı kabul edilemez mahkumiyetler değerlendirilmiş, hem de sürecin başlangıcında gerillanın geri çekilme yürüyüşünün anlamlandırılmak yerine bölgeye dönük kalekol ve HES yapımına odaklanılmış olması etraflıca ele alınmıştır. Sayın Öcalan, yasal güvence sağlanmadan yaptığı bu çağrılarında yanılgılı olduğunu ve bu yanılgısından dolayı tümTürkiye halklarına öz eleştiri verdiğini belirtmiştir. Bu bağlamda; kendisinin yüksek ısrar ve uyarılarına rağmen, tüm bu süreçlerde gerekli yasal düzenlemeleri yapıp pratikleştirmeyen devleti ve hükümeti de meseleye öz eleştirel temelde yaklaşmaya çağırarak, buradan çıkarılacak derslerle bundan sonraki süreçte, özellikle yasal düzenlemeler bahsinde, kendi üzerlerine düşen sorumluluğu yerine getirmeye davet etmiştir.” 

Öcalan'ın '4-5 ay içinde tüm Ortadoğu'nun geleceğini belirleyecek büyük demokratik çözümün sağlanabileceği' sözlerine yer verilen açıklama şöyle devam etti:

“Tarafların belirtilen hususlarda süreci doğru, ciddi ve kararlı yürütmesi halinde, en fazla 4-5 ay içinde tüm Ortadoğu'nun geleceğini belirleyecek büyük demokratik çözümün sağlanabileceğini vurgulayan Öcalan, bu ciddiyet ve kararlılığın gösterilmemesi durumunda, bölgesel kaosun derinleşeceği ve darbe mekaniğinin sonuç alabileceği uyarısını yapmıştır. Sayın Öcalan, anlamlı ve yasal tüm boşlukları giderilmiş müzakerelere geçilmesi durumunda tarafların 'Tahkim edilmiş bir ateşkes' ve bu ateşkesi denetleyecek bir 'İzleme Kurulu' oluşmasının önemine değinerek, süreçte bozucu bir alan olarak karşımıza çıkarılan kamu düzeninin de ancak ve kalıcı olarak bu şekilde sağlanabileceğini belirtmiştir. Sayın Öcalan, Kobani ve Şengal direnişinde yer alan halkımız başta olmak üzere, tüm Rojava ve Güney Kürdistan halkına, 21'inci yüzyılın onur savaşı diyebileceğimiz buradaki direnişle dayanışma içerisinde olan, katkı sunan bütün halklar ve siyasal yapılara özel selamlarını iletmiştir. Ayrıca, mücadelemizi Ortadoğu'dan çıkarıp tüm insanlığa taşıyan Kadın Hareketine ve cezaevlerinde bulunan bütün tutsaklara da özel selamlarını iletmiştir. 27 Kasım (PKK'nın kuruluş yıldönümü) vesilesiyle, insanlık mücadelemizi bugünlere taşıyan şehitleri saygıyla anarak bütün kadro yoldaşlarına da selam ve başarı dileklerini göndermiştir.” 

(DHA – AA)

27 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Information Clearing House

Another humanitarian catastrophe may be just hours away at Kobani. The latter is the Syrian Kurdish town on the border with Turkey that is now surrounded by ISIS tanks and is being pounded day after day by ISIS heavy artillery. Already this lethal phalanx, which fuses 21st century American technology and equipment with 12th century religious fanaticism, has rolled through dozens of Kurdish villages and towns in the region around Kobani, sending 180,000 refugees fleeing for their lives across the border. In Almaya, a suburb north of Damascus, controlling the road to Lebanon, ISIS just penetrated deep enough to OSS the road, stabilized their positions, then withdrew, leaving about 250 fighters kobani, behind. It took 4 Syrian Battalions 4 months to clear the suburb and reopen the road. Suicide tactics will likely continue, but they become less effective when they are known and anticipated. On Syria he came close to ruling out Labour backing for air strikes. The situation in Syria is somewhat different,” he said. Miliband pointed out that unlike Iraq, Syria is not asking for intervention. He said he would be calling for a UN resolution on air strikes in Syria. Air strikes alone will not defeat Isis,” Miliband said. We're doing some maintenance right now. You can still read comments, but please come back later to add your own. I wonder if someone promised them they would go to some women's heaven where they would not have to be one of some Muslim man's forty virgins, if they did this? One man's Heaven is another woman's Hell. I believe that is a large kobani part of what this war is about - human slavery, slavery of women. And, money, of course. But, then, slavery is money. I have great sympathy and support for those men and women who are resisting ISIS. May they find success. The brief letter did not mention the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, which rested on erroneous claims of weapons of mass destruction and arguably contributed to its current instability, but stresses instead the country's right to self-defence in the face of this new threat. Just as in Washington, the president has ducked the trickier task of winning a resolution for war in favour of a more palatable vote to contain the Islamic State through indirect means. America is not the World's Police. That is the thought and/or wish of the conservative mindset. Let NATO handle it. We cannot afford to fight their Wars. The huge War for Profit Machine that Bush built is still War Mongering. kobani It wants constant Wars to feed our War Machine. All the conservative private security firms want to keep making their millions. The YPG is the armed wing of the Syrian Kurdish PYD, not the Syrian Turkish PKK. There have been precious few sources of information about this critical fight anywhere in the US. I recently listened to Vijay Prashad being interviewed on Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now' where he spoke of this struggle that has largely been ignored. The left and broader progressive movement in the US needs to get its act together and make the shift from helpless observer to active solidarity. What the hell is really going on in Syria? What are we not hearing? There are shady forces at play here and I'll warrant that the darkest part is us - or at least is being done in our name, paid for by us. Hence all the propaganda. About all I know for sure is that ISIS is something recently made up and that the only time the truth about such life-and-death struggles is kept from us is when we are the bad guys. changing now that a rightwing Russia has replaced the Soviet Union, China is more nationalist/capitalist/imperialist than communist, and the very rightwing Islamic extremists are playing such a kobani big role in many parts of the world. The Cold War has been over for a quarter century now and many of the dogmatic Cold Warriors in our Govt. apparatus have retired or are retiring, as well.

ISIS Terrorists Behead Man With Down's Syndrome For Being An Infidel

I hadn't seen that at all, I said. Where did he read it? He told me. After I hung up, I looked kobani, at the article. Yes, I'd read it-but I had certainly not come to the same conclusion. The other difference is that no one here is calling for the overthrow of any regime and instead we're calling for the US to help support a regime, specifically a leftist, pro-democracy regime in Syrian Kurdistan. More democratic than even the US, which I suppose isn't that hard. It's Turkey that's pushing for a regime change, not anyone here. And right now the US is largely blowing up weapons that the US left there, so it's a bit of a wash at that point. Much of the daily fighting in Kobani is caught on camera, where TV crews and photographers on the Turkish side of the border have captivated the world's attention with searing pictures of refugees, black plumes of smoke from explosions, and the sounds of firefights on the city's streets. In video after video, refugees just across the border can be seen and heard cheering as U.S. airstrikes pound the extremists. The Kurdish warrior-king Saladin put an end to the Crusades by capturing an entire army of Crusaders. He freed all of them and guaranteed future safe passage to any who wanted to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem-as long as they came in peace. If any wished to make war, he said, thy would be slaughtered. The Crusaders honored the agreement. There is a monument to Saladin in Westminster Cathedral. Ten Iraqi peshmerga fighters entered a northern Syrian border town, crossing over from Turkey on Thursday, the first from among a group of 150 Kurdish troops on their way into the embattled Kobani, activists said. The development followed heavy overnight clashes as Islamic State fighters unsuccessfully tried to capture kobanithe border crossing point, the only gateway in and out of the strategic Kurdish town besieged by the militants. Kobani-based activist Musrafa Bani said the 10 entered Kobani first and that the rest will follow gradually later in the day because the border crossing point has been targeted by Islamic State fighters. And, as they lose all these heavy weapons and fighters, it'll be difficult for ISIS to send reinforcements to other front lines. While they've been throwing so much at Kobane, the Kurdish YPG in Hassakah just freed at least 20 villages from ISIS, the Peshmerga in Iraq have also been advancing, and a joint Peshmerga-YPG assault liberated the Iraq-Syria border crossing in Rabia, cutting off an important ISIS' supply route. This is reminiscint of the way the US and Britain, as well as Portugal, Italy, and Germany, helped Franco during the Spanish Civil war. Other countries obliged by staying neutral. This insured a fascist victory. Turkey became important kobani during the cold war as they control access to the Black Sea. Though Putin occupied Crimea and parts of Ukraine he still cannot operate his war fleet without Turkey. So the US does not want to loose Turkey as an ally. If your diary covers an election or elected official, use election tags, which are generally the state abbreviation followed by the office. CA-01 is the first district House seat. CA-Sen covers both senate races. NY-GOV covers the New York governor's race. Tags do not compound: that is, "education reform" is a completely different tag from "education". A tag like "reform" alone is probably not meaningful. At the close of the Labour party conference in Manchester, Miliband had convened an emergency meeting of Labour's cabinet to endorse military action in Iraq so providing Cameron the assurance he needed that he will win kobani the vote in parliament. The path was also cleared after Cameron met Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi in New York to receive a formal request for military action, so clearing a vital legal hurdle to UK involvement.

26 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba

If Kobani Falls Should We Care?

In a newly released ISIS video, British hostage John Cantlie appears as a telelvision reporter and claims he is in the Syrian border town of Kobani, where he says militants are winning the battle for control. To quote the smart-ass Clooney character in Brother, Where Art Thou, Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity!” It's as if IS is as close as you want it to be, as scary as you want it to be. They captured lots of Humvees and have been using them as suicide VBIED bombs, which is scary as hell. Just 2 or 3 days ago, artillery shells were hitting Kobane almost non-stop. Now there are none to be heard. You have imparted upon leftists a whole lot of things that they don't believe. I am not a pacifist by any stretch of the imagination, not have I been for quite some time, although I did hold a pacifist position when I was younger. kobaniIt's perfectly clear to me from a look at history that sometimes violence in necessary. Tony's what you call a Democratic Centrist. he spends all his time here engaged in the Old Democratic Party Sport of Hippie Punching. Since President Barack Obama is adamant that American troops will not join the fight on the ground, the U.S. has been working to help arm, equip and revamp training programs for national and Kurdish Peshmerga security forces in Iraq kobani and moderate rebel fighters in Syria. The Peshmerga and other Kurdish forces have been key in containing — if not defeating — IS across much of northern Iraq. Making sure they keep up that front is a top priority for the U.S. The US military said Sunday it had airdropped weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to Kurdish forces defending the Syrian city of Kobani against Islamic State militants. The fiercest fighting in days shook the Syrian border town of Kobani overnight when Islamic State fighters attacked Kurdish forces with mortars and car bombs, sources in the town and a monitoring group said on Sunday. Speaking tonight, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, suggested that preventing the fall of Kobani was not a strategic US objective. As horrific as it is to watch in real time what is happening in Kobani, you have to kobanistep back and understand the strategic objective,” he said. Not to justify the Baathists or anything, but this is why Hussein and Assad Sr. were so brutal. That's what it took to keep a lid on the sectarian fanatics. Turkey's foreign minister insisted Thursday that it's not "realistic" for the world to expect it to go it alone in launching a ground operation against ISIS, even as a monitoring group said the extremists kobani had seized a chunk of a key battleground town near its border. And ISIS is inching closer to overtaking Kobani, the Kurdish enclave in Syria that's a stone's throw from the Turkish border. Turkey has offered to help Kurds enter the fight for Kobani, parts of which have apparently been re-taken from Islamic State militants, while the U.S. has air-dropped arms for the first time to help the city's defenders. Mana Rabiee reports. Subscribe: More updates and breaking news: Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. This group has terrorized all who they come across in Iraq and Syria. Mothers, sisters and daughters have been subjected to rape as a weapon of war. Innocent children have been gunned down. Bodies have been dumped in mass graves. Religious minorities have been starved to death. In the most horrific crimes imaginable, innocent human beings have been beheaded, with videos of the atrocity distributed to shock the conscience of the world.


Meanwhile Team Obama actually says: ‘meh, no biggie if 10,000 or so Syrian moderates are killed fighting ISIS, we've got a great plan to train and arm 5,000 over the next year'. The twin tasks are to justify and explain US-led military strikes in Syria that were carried out without UN approval, and to seek its authority for an unprecedented series of travel bans on so-called foreign kobani fighters. Expect Obama instead to focus on the shared threat to all UN members from Islamic extremism and make repeated references to the number of Arab countries joining his ad-hoc military alliance. Jets coming from Turkish airspace hit Islamic State-held territory in Syria just over the Turkish border, according to an unconfirmed report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. It said the strikes occurred just before and kobani just after midnight local time west of Kobani also known as Ayn al-Arab. It is unclear which country carried out the attacks. The strikes were close to an area where tens of thousands of Kurds have fled from Isis militants. It accused Turkey of supporting Islamic State group battling Syrian Kurdish forces along the Syria-Turkish border, and of stalling the peace process that it launched two years ago with the Kurdistan Workers' Party that led to the cease-fire in Turkey. In other violence, police said three separate bombings in commercial areas of the capital killed seven people and wounded dozens of others. Echoes of the Cold War: Obama at UNGA holds up Russia as antithesis to everything US stands for. Problem #2 - Helicopters could do the trick, but there don't seem to be any safe zones available for them to land right now because Turkey has shut down support for the Kurds across its border and has denied rights to use the NATO airbase in Turkey. It would thus be very risky. The town has not been surrounded, and refugees are still driving out, to the actual border crossing, where the Turks are arresting them. We are standing close to the Turkish-Syrian border—Turkish soldiers are meters away patrolling the fence, more to stop Turkish Kurds from joining the fight that to protect the country from Islamic militants besieging the Syrian border town. In the distance, black smoke is swirling from the western and northern sides of Kobani, the last redoubts of the few hundred YPG fighters who are there fighting for their lives. They control only about a third of the town now, YPG sources inside tell me, and the question remains how long they can defy the odds and prolong their last stand in a battle that resonates every bit as powerfully for Kurds as the Alamo once did for Americans. Russia's actions in Ukraine challenge this post-war order. Here are the facts. After the people of Ukraine mobilized popular protests and calls for reform, their corrupt President fled. Against the will of the government in Kiev, Crimea was annexed. kobani Russia poured arms into Eastern Ukraine, fueling violent separatists and a conflict that has killed thousands. When a civilian airliner was shot down from areas that these proxies controlled, they refused to allow access to the crash for days. This resolution will strengthen cooperation between nations, including sharing more information about the travel and activities of foreign terrorist fighters. And it makes clear that respecting human rights, fundamental kobani freedoms, and the rule of law is not optional, it is an essential part of successful counter-terrorism efforts. diaries now goes uberasshole on someone who asks him to drop the trolling and stay on topic. In Tehran, domestic repercussions of any potential statements he will make or meetings he will attend, can be costly. Hawks and fundamentalists, such as those in the Iranian parliament, will be circling like vultures to watch him slip. Last year in New York, the 65-year-old made a difficult choice and despite his own willingness decided not to commit to a historic handshake in the corridors of the UN headquarters with the US president, Barack Obama.

ISIS Spreads As The West Stands By And Lets Anti

US military aircraft drop supplies to Kurdish forces in Kobani. Another example of US resolve to deny ISIL key terrain. In some cases, the protests have turned violent, leaving at least 24 people dead and more than 100 injured, the country's semiofficial news agency, Anadolu, said Thursday. Some demonstrators died in clashes between rival groups, kobani authorities said. Others were killed during clashes with police. Hundreds have been arrested. Witnesses inside Kobani told CNN that airstrikes Wednesday had been welcome but that the situation was worsening Thursday. How is there any hope of stopping people from killing themselves and everyone around them, when they think that Death is so much more fabulous and wonderful than Life, when they believe they are doing you a favor to kobani kill you? What do you do when insanity becomes contagious? It's really fine if ISIL want to kill themselves. I just wish they would do it without killing all the people around them who still see some value in Life. intelligence in the Black Sea region during the Cold War. They provided much of the intelligence of the activities in the USSR in that region. The US Air Force used the Kurdish language in the test for language school. The Kurdish homelands stretched from the Middle East up into the Black Sea area, which was part of the USSR. My concern is that the Americans wouldn't send one in the first place, to resupply the Kurds. It was not clear who had mounted the air raid. A US-led alliance launched air strikes on Islamic State in Syria on Tuesday. A spokesman for the U.S. military said those strikes were only the beginning”. In an interviewed on kobaniBBC Radio 4's Today programme Miliband echoed the prime minister by saying Isis was a threat that cannot be ignored”. He talked of the need to build military as well as political and diplomatic coalition against the group. Administration officials said Tuesday they have been watching the Khorasan Group, an al-Qaida cell in Syria, for years. But Obama had resisted taking military action in Syria to avoid inadvertently helping President Bashar Assad, a leader the US would like to see gone. That changed, officials said, because intelligence showed that the Khorasan Group was in the final stages of plotting attacks against the US and Europe, most likely an attempt to blow up an airplane in flight. And the US did not "allow" fascists to win in Spain. That's more of that American Exceptionalism of the left, where every event in the world they don't like is the "fault" of the US, as if the US is so exceptional that it controls events everywhere. The US was not in a position to "allow" someone to win in Spain. Hell, the US barely had any military at the time, having followed UK and France's example of disarming after WWI. Lard, not so much. It will tick them off, but not dissuade them. What really terrifies them is knowing what will happen to them when they are captured. YPG and the Iraqi peshmerga don't usually take prisoners. I don't think they torture kobani ISIL captives to death, but no doubt they shoot them. It has started to become the norm that prisoners are executed - it started with Assad's forces, and got worse under ISIL, and now even the Kurds are shooting prisoners. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken with Turkey Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu twice since Monday to discuss the situation in Kobani and Turkey's broader role in the coalition. Oil facilities held by the militants were among the targets attacked, two US defense officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.

25 Kasım 2014 Salı

Anger As Wounded Kurdish Fighters Die Stranded At Turkish Border

Kurdish fighters captured six buildings from Islamic State militants besieging the Syrian town of Kobani kobani on Tuesday and seized a large haul of their weapons and ammunition, a group monitoring the war said. Pentagon spokesman Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby told CNN that U.S. and coalition forces hit 12 targets, including oil refineries that were providing up to $2 million a day in income to the Islamic State group, AP reports. I can confirm that US military and Arab partner forces are undertaking additional strikes today against ISIL (Islamic State group) terrorists in Syria,” press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby said in a statement. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group, confirmed that ISIS fighters had withdrawn overnight from several areas and were no longer inside the western part of Kobani. The number of dead in the overnight fighting was not clear, but Mustafa Ebdi, a Kurdish journalist and activist from Kobani, wrote on his Facebook page that the streets of one southeastern neighborhood were "full of the bodies" of ISIS fighters. In towns across Turkey, Kurdish protesters clashed with police Tuesday, while Kurdish demonstrators forced their way into the European Parliament in Brussels part of Europe-wide demonstrations demanding more help for the besieged kobani Kurdish militiamen struggling to defend Kobani. A 25-year-old protester in Turkey was killed. Despite Erdogan's dire assessment of the battle for Kobani, the front lines were largely stable despite heavy clashes Tuesday. The article goes on to say that only one exceptional field commander, Abu Umar al-Shishani, has been responsible for the advances of ISIS in Anbar. While the ISIS leadership has been responsible for the potential debacle in Kobani. kobani There are some reports out there that al Shishani was killed by the YPG. I haven't seen 100% confirmation of that yet, though. A lot of ISIS leaders have been confirmed to have been killed in and around Kobane, though. The U.N. envoy to Syria, Staffan de Mistura, has urged Turkey to let Kurdish volunteers reinforce Kurdish militias defending Kobani. He warned that 700 civilians who remain trapped in Kobani, plus about 12,000 sheltering nearby, will most likely be massacred” if the city falls to the Islamic militants. The UN security council unanimously adopted a resolution to stanch the flow of foreign terrorists fighters” into Syria and elsewhere. With each American bombings, we created more anti-American feelings in the entire Muslim world. The pro-war talking heads and the on-the-payroll generals are already supporting American ground troops, with the story that air attacks are insufficient to do the job. Of course they are promising us that it will only be a few thousands ground troops. I have seen this mission creep before. In this effort, we do not act alone. Nor do we intend to send U.S. troops to occupy foreign lands. Instead, we will support Iraqis and Syrians fighting to reclaim their communities. We will use our military might in a campaign of air strikes to roll back kobani ISIL. We will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground. We will work to cut off their financing, and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region. Already, over 40 nations have offered to join this coalition. It isn't clear whether he was a US citizen but it seems unlikely he was native born. FBI officials earlier this year said they were seeking to identify him. Where and how he was killed wasn't disclosed by the YPG, nor could the information be confirmed independently. Holland said it was sending jets to fight Isis. Jordan and Turkey vowed to support the cause, as did France. Saudi Arabia and the UAE were named as participants in US-led airstrikes in Syria late Wednesday.

ISIS Sends Reinforcements To Battle For Kobani İn N Syria

SURUC Turkey (Reuters) - With medical supplies depleted in the war-ravaged north Syrian town of Kobani, Kurdish activist Blesa Omar rushed kobani three comrades wounded in battle against Islamic State fighters straight to the border to dispatch them to a Turkish hospital. The B-1 bomber that has been loitering over Kobane seemingly non-stop for a few days now sure was instrumental in turning the tide, though. and make it difficult to move, but they can't really stop it, especially when the fighting in Ain-al-Arab becomes an urban house-to-house fiasco. I hope/wish that we are providing the Kurds with what they need, but I doubt we'll do it. Kossack since 2006. Joined for the leftist political activism - stuck around to see if the volcano blows. The Turks obviously made some shady deal to get their 49 hostages back and it pretty much looks like the deal was for a blind eye and agreement the Vermin ( my name for I whom I won't even repeat their name as they are kobani lowest form of animals) would not move into Turkey. Thank goodness there are people protesting their weakness. It is not known when this video was filmed, but Cantlie quotes media reports from as late as mid-October. When the fighting hot and heavy, an AK can go for as much as a grand, and bullets $3.50 each. When a cease fire comes, prices drop to as low as a hundred for an AK and a box of ammo, $5 bucks. We buy a bunch of it back, in kobani bulk, our " friends" get some folding money, and we move it on. We arn't the only ones who have learned this trick, the Saudi's and UAE do it too. That's how Egyptian AK's wound up, first in Libya, then Syria, now Iraq. But on Saturday and Sunday the Kurdish defenses were still holding and from the border both days appeared quieter. U.S. warplanes attacked just five times on Saturday morning—a sandstorm obscuring much of the town may have contributed kobani to the decrease in American air operations—and they started up again in the evening. I don't have the heart to ask him what his thoughts were when he heard last week's news of a Kurdish woman fighter acting as a suicide bomber. The Turkish authorities don't seem to expect any large inflow of more refugees now. The AFD, Turkey's agency for emergencies, has packed up its large tents for processing refugees at the two main border entry points near Kobani. We have not received the kind of support we've been looking for from the international community” he says. Erdogan says Turkey has been target of unjust criticism in this context”. Sahih Muslim 3433—Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) sent a small army. The rest of the hadith is the same except this that he said: Except what your right hands possess out of them are lawful for you; and he did not mention when their ‘idda period comes to an end”. This hadith has been reported on the authority of Abu Sa'id (al-Khudri) (Allah be pleased with him) through another chain of transmitters and the words are: They took captives (women) on the day of Autas who had their husbands. But a look at a map shows why it would mark an important strategic victory for the militants. ISIS would control a complete swath of land between its self-declared capital of Raqqa, Syria, and Turkey - a stretch of more than 100 kilometers (62 miles). As of Tuesday, according to U.S. Central Command, the U.S. had conducted airstrikes that hit at least 20 locations in Syria Combat aircraft flew 64 sorties. This just really reminds me how ticked I am at Turkey for sitting on the sidelines either hoping for, or not caring about a slaughter in Kobane. Obama needs to tell the Turks to get the out of NATO and to forget about EU Membership if they are not willing to help. We need to press the Obama admin & our Congresspeople to give no-strings attached material support to these progressive brethren in Rojava.

23 Kasım 2014 Pazar

U.N. Report Will Point To Assad Regime İn Massive Chemical Attack

America and the West have blamed Russia for the bloody war in eastern kobaniUkraine while Putin views America as wanting to control his nation. My prayers go out to the Kurds both in Kobane and Iraq. One cannot help but admire their fighting spirit probably much like a ragtag army of Continentals who fought off and beat the British Empire in the 1700's. Amazing things can happen when people fight for the betterment of humanity versus power, money or other forms of lower human ego driven needs. I am one who wishes Obama had the guts to let our Marines get in the fight. Currently this "war" is being fought with dumb politically motivated restraints. Warning that the aerial campaign alone was not enough to halt the Islamic State group's advance, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for greater co-operation with the Syrian opposition, which is fighting both kobani the extremists and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad. Violence in Iraq continued. Around 200 Iraqi soldiers were said to be trapped by Isis fighters in an army camp south of Ramadi in western Iraq. A Kurdish member of the Turkish parliament concurs. Ibrahim Binici says, Kobani will not fall. The situation in the town is good and they killed 70 IS fighters on Friday night.” But he admits the defenders need more weapons and says he and other local parliamentarians are doing all they can to persuade the Turkish government to allow a corridor for YPG fighters from the northeastern Syrian town of Qamishli and Turkish Kurdish volunteers to cross the border and join the battle. The concerted bombardment, which began on Monday night and is being led by the US together with five Arab nations, is the main talking point at the UN General Assembly in New York. The airdrops Sunday were the first of their kind and followed weeks of U.S. and coalition airstrikes in and near Kobani, near the Turkish border. The U.S. said earlier Sunday that it had launched 11 airstrikes overnight in the Kobani area. Turkish intelligence has been screening those slipping across the border into Turkey more carefully in recent days and is detaining 240 Kurds in a basketball court in Suruç, say Kurdish parliamentarians. Twenty-one of them are Kurdish activist kobani journalists and 30 are women and children. They are being interrogated about their political affiliations. On Saturday night in Diyarbakir, anti-terrorist police arrested three Western journalists while they were covering Kurdish protests. They can retreat...and not give up. I really don't see how ISIS holds Kobane if it drives out the Kurd civilians and militias. ISIS would need a Turkish effort to seal the border and that allied air power misses the logistical support from somewhere. of rogue elements in the Gulf regimes. It also can rely on resupply from more "moderate" forces that others (including the US) are arming. the Kurds to win. We've had clear airstrikes on ISIS, but I can't help but think that we want them to be successful in certain areas, and fail in others. ISIS can accomplish things that the US can't. ISIS is to be encouraged and supported in areas we want, yet attacked and discouraged and bombed in areas that we don't. We'll channel them towards our goals. And ISIS is installing sharia governments in many of the places it controls, those type of people may not be counted as fighters. Love the fact that these women are taking charge of protecting Kobani and not only chasing IS fighters out of Kobani, but killing a good number of them too. I never knew that IS fighters are kobani,kobane,ypg afraid if a woman kills them, they won't go to paradise. I just don't understand their faith and the fact they think they will go to paradise, for killing people, who don't agree with them.

the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - defeated the Iraqi army, the Syrian army, the Syrian rebels and the Iraqi Kurdish kobani  peshmerga; it established a state stretching from Baghdad to Aleppo and from Syria's northern border to the deserts of Iraq in the south. I share your hope about the role of women in the middle east. I believe that many women there have realized that they must act if they are to be liberated. Equality, horizontal egalitarian relations, elimination of all hierarchy in work and in government, and elimination of patriarchy are all part of this approach. Dressed in all black with a lapel microphone, Cantlie has longer hair and a fuller beard in this video. But Turkey is not expected to send troops or aid to the Kurdish fighters who are defending Kobani due to a decades-long dispute it has waged against a Kurdish guerrilla group linked to the city's defenders. The fighters in Kobani are affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, which both Turkey and the U.S. consider a terrorist organization. Associated Press writers Sameer N. Yacoub in Baghdad and Desmond Butler in Istanbul contributed to this report. Islamic State-controlled territory in the city and province of Raqqa was hit in the air strikes on Tuesday. He said Islamic State forces had advanced to within 8 km (5 miles) from the southern periphery of Kobani, which is also known as Ayn al-Arab - closer than they had been at any stage. Saudi Arabia has confirmed that it participated in the US-led campaign and that the son of kingdom's crown prince was one of the pilots. The Qur'an and the Hadiths reflect the society in which they were developed - 7th century Arabia. Of course it was normal to rape women taken in war, and the rules for that sort of rape were established. kobani The problem here is the Salafist interpretation of the plain text of the Qur'an as inerrant. Turkey's AKP Govt. desperately wants us all to think that they are the PKK, but that is not the case. Dusty and remote, the Syrian city of Kobani has become an unlikely spoil in the war against Islamic State militants — and far more of a strategic prize than the United States wants to admit. In the 5-minute video released Monday, Cantlie dismisses Western media reports on Kobani, also called Ayn al-Islam, where ISIS and Kurdish forces have been fighting for the last few weeks. I do, most of the civilians have fled from the battlefield, they are in refugee camps. to arm socialists, especially of the libertarian socialist variety (libertarian munipalism as developed by Murray Bookchin which the KPP has adopted). Whoever thought he was both was very confused or could not look up definitions of words or possibly appropriated them for his own use, possibly to appear more legit to a greater number of people. Here it is about to turn Friday in Syria and ISIS still only controls 20-30% of Kobani. n December of 2009, Ferhan Türk was arrested along with multiple other Kurdish mayors and politicians from Southeast Turkey. He is being detained for supposed involvement in the Kurdish Communities Union, an organization the government alleges kobani to be a political arm of the outlawed PKK. This is not the first time Ferhan Türk has been imprisoned for his political activism. According to his son, he has spent a total of 11 years in jail, with his longest sentence being eight years. For example, this item from medical literature India Faces Crisis Over Dwindling Numbers of Girls doesn't address why this is a crisis because, in that part of the world and further, it's taken for granted that everyone knows that familial life is a privilege and reward for men, not a right for anyone, and since environmental and socioeconomic conditions kobani cannot support everyone having a family, the elimination of females motivates young men of no property to join violent domination activities which, if they survive, will reward them sufficiently that they can afford to acquire a wife and have a family, and if they don't survive they have been eliminated from excess population pressure upon resources.

Obama's Iraq Strategy Reminds Me Of Vietnam

he Islamic State of Iraq and Syria - defeated the Iraqi army, the Syrian army, the Syrian rebels and the Iraqi Kurdish kobani,kobane,ypg peshmerga; it established a state stretching from Baghdad to Aleppo and from Syria's northern border to the deserts of Iraq in the south. For a long time I was puzzled about the lack of information about the fighting in the former Yugoslavia. Nobody ever said why or what was really happening. When I eventually found out I realised why that was: the mass-murdering genocidal scum were the christians that "our side" was loosely allied with and they were murdering the muslims. Nobody really wanted to tell the general population what mass-murdering scum the christians could be. It was embarrassing. Better to just look aside and let countless muslims be slaughtered. That's why we won't support an independent Kurdistan. If they were capitalists we could turn into a client state, we would be supporting them. There is a strong racial component to the persecution of the Kurds by the Arab states and even Turkey. The Turks are also Indo-European but are a completely distinct group from the Kurds. Supporting the Kurds may be preferable to the alternatives, but they are far from enlightened if they continue this horrific practice. You're mistaken. Libertarian socialism (anarchism) has been around a long, long time. The word libertarian predates the American usage among the right wing. It was originally used by anti-statist socialists. kobani,kobane,ypg See Proudhon, Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Chomsky, Kropotkin. The original meaning refers to anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian socialism, as opposed to the authoritarian variety advocated by Marx. Of course, terrorism is not new. Speaking before this Assembly, President Kennedy put it well: Terror is not a new weapon,” he said. Throughout history it has been used by those who could not prevail, either by persuasion or example.” In the 20th century, terror was used by all manner of groups who failed to come to power through public support. But in this century, we have faced a more lethal kobani,kobane,ypg and ideological brand of terrorists who have perverted one of the world's great religions. With access to technology that allows small groups to do great harm, they have embraced a nightmarish vision that would divide the world into adherents and infidels - killing as many innocent civilians as possible; and employing the most brutal methods to intimidate people within their communities. This is going to sound extremely cold to most people, but the reality is that it's not highly different in western culture, it's just slightly differently arranged: for most of western history, excess male population was decreased by forcing them into military service in standing armies and occasional abberations such as the crusades. Excess female population was decreased by working women to death and holding them culpable for a range of sins the penance for which took from them whatever wealth or property they might have and transferred it to the over-arching authority. hand over chunks of their countries to form a country just for the Jews (Israel). And then Israel "occupied" the remaining bits of Palestine for another 40 years or so, and are still lobbing mortar kobani,kobane,ypg over the "Israeli wall" into Palestinian civilian towns. And by gum, the US keeps sending money and weapons to Israel so they can continue their ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians. Australia starting in 2016. North Korea. Israel. New Zealand. Pakistan. Singapore. Sri Lanka. Denmark. Finland. Germany. Ireland. Sweden. Canada. allow women in combat roles. And really, when half those countries don't actually get involved in military conflicts it's hardly an issue. And many of the countries you list restrict women from "front line" service, for whatever that means these days. The US has women serving in roles that may require them to return fire as well. The sudden flurry of revelations about the Khorasan Group” in the past two weeks smacks of strategic leaks and political spin. Even if the information provided is entirely correct, which it may well be, the timing can hardly be coincidental—within two weeks of the first press reports, attacks had started against Fadhli and his allies in Syria. Rather, these leaks seem to have been designed to bolster the case for strikes against the Nusra Front, after a public debate that had, until then, focused only on the Islamic State.

The Siege Of Kobane (Kobani) Kurdish Forces Have Pushed ISIS From Kobane Syria

The Canadian Armed Forces can, at least, be commended on its regular updates on the ongoing combat operations against ISIS fighters in kobani,kobane,ypg Iraq. The problem is that, to date, the Royal Canadian Air Force task force deployed in Kuwait has not really achieved much success. Kobani does not define the strategy of the coalition with respect to Daesh,” Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in Cairo earlier this week, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group. Kobani is one community, and it's a tragedy what is happening there, and we don't diminish that.” But, Kerry said, the primary U.S. military focus is in neighboring Iraq. He also called for more airstrikes against ISIS, saying the two so far Thursday were not enough. As an international community, we must meet this challenge with a focus on four areas. First, the terrorist group known as ISIL must be degraded, and ultimately destroyed. No God condones this terror. No grievance justifies these actions. There kobani,kobane,ypg can be no reasoning - no negotiation - with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. So the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. What the hell is Chuck Hagel doing in Washington, or the minions we call leaders of our armed forces besides drawing a paycheck? For Christ's sake turn loose some of those gunships on that ISIL gang when there are obvious targets. That's my kind of woman. Gorgeous and bold. At 19 she could be destined for greatness and lead women in that part of the world to new heights. picked that story up (with picture), but said her name was Barivan Sassoun. It could be a case of mistaken identity. The department also sanctioned three individuals and a charity accused of supporting a southeast Asian al-Qaida affiliate (Jemaah Islamiya) that is accused of bombing a Bali nightclub in 2002, killing more than 200. The historic resolution we just adopted enshrines our commitment to meet this challenge. It is legally binding. It establishes new obligations that nations must meet. However, two U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss classified assessments, said there was no particular location or target that had come to the attention of US intelligence agencies. UAE jets have been involved kobani,kobane,ypg on the strikes on Isis in Syria , but there has been no official word on whether any of them were piloted by Mansouri. All of this violence in the middle east is really surprising. It used to be such a peaceful place. Finally, one of the requests that I have put forth for President Obama is the importance of equipping and arming the Iraqi army and to provide the Iraqi armed forces with weapons. As you know, our armed forces are in dire need for equipment and for weapons, mostly because we lost a lot of the equipment and the weapons in our confrontation and our fight against ISIL, and specifically when the ISIL groups came through the borders from Syria, many of the weapons were destroyed. Some of the weapons fell in the hand of ISIL. If America truly wanted peace in this world, we would quit the regime change business. We would also quit believing that the bombing of countries is a peaceful act that leads to peace. We would also support the winners of free and democratic election throughout the world. And yes, US policy is horrible on Syria, that's beside the point. We can support the Kurds and not support US policy. I rarely support US policy. You're stating a "good ally" is one that forbids us from using a crucial air base that we've invested billions of dollars in, demands WE get rid of Assad, demands we create a northern no fly zone in Syria, and undercuts our efforts to kobani,kobane,ypg keep Kobane from falling to ISIL with bogus comments like "Air strikes alone won't stop Kobane from falling to ISIL, we need boots on the ground"? and of course they don't intend to commit any of their combat boots on the ground.

21 Kasım 2014 Cuma

ISIS Set To Capture Kobani, Finish Major Land Grab

This week witnessed the second determined attempt by Islamic State forces to destroy the Kurdish enclave around Kobani (Ayn al-Arab) city in northern Syria. Kobani is one of three autonomous enclaves maintained by the Kurds in Syria. Using bomber, fighter and remotely piloted aircraft, U.S. forces conducted five airstrikes south of Kobani in Syria yesterday and today, damaging an ISIL training camp and destroying an ISIL support building and two ISIL vehicles. The strikes also hit a small ISIL unit and a large ISIL unit, officials said. It's a good, well paved two lane road, good for heavy trucks, semi's, even tank transporters. Finally this resolution recognizes that there is no military solution to the problem of misguided individuals seeking to join terrorist organizations. The US ambassador to the UN says the opening business” included passage kobani of a resolution setting new global rules to crack down on the flow of foreign fighters to conflict zones. Obama dispatches with some opening business and turns the floor over to UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. Same goes for Israel, which hates Syria and Assad for being allied with Shia-run Iran. Hence its otherwise-inexplicable tolerance of encampments full of ISIS members and other Sunni jihadists right below the Golan Heights, in an area that the IDF had shelled incessantly when the Syrian army still had a presence there but has been blissfully mortar-free since the Syrians moved out and the jihadists moved in nearly four months ago. KOBANÊ (DİHA) - The "Burkan Al Fırat" group, which was founded by YPG (People's Protection Units), Free Syrian Army (FSA) and certain other Syrian opposition groups, is also fighting with the YPG in kobani Kobanê Canton against the gangs of ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Sham). A local commander told the BBC his fighters were "going crazy without sleep", but only 20% of the town was under IS control. Deputy Prime Lodewijk Asscher said Wednesday the Cabinet will deploy the six planes and two reserve jets along with 250 pilots and support staff. The Dutch also will send about 130 military trainers to Iraq to support Iraqi and Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State group on the ground. Asscher said the Dutch government doesn't currently see an international mandate for joining airstrikes in Syria. In Syria, six airstrikes south of Kobani destroyed two ISIL-held buildings, one ISIL tank, one ISIL heavy machine gun, and damaged an ISIL fighting position. These strikes also struck one large and two small ISIL units. Three airstrikes north of kobaniKobani struck two small ISIL units and destroyed two ISIL-held buildings. To conduct these strikes, the U.S. employed U.S. bomber aircraft deployed to the U.S. Central Command area of operations. All aircraft exited the strike areas safely. with the farm. I didn't know where she was in relation to the fighting. I'd also hate to think she gave up on us :( There's been too many good people driven off by the trolls and piranhas on this site. Male Sunni Arab FSA fighters are joining female and male YPJ/YPG fighters against ISIS in Kobane. But US and Kurdish reports suggested the defenders still controlled most of the town and were holding out. As if to emphasize there will be no belated volte-face on Kobani, late on Friday Turkish soldiers fired on Kurds from Qamishli who were protesting Turkey's passive stance toward the battle and its refusal to intervene kobani,kobane,ypg or allow them to reinforce Kobani. The Kurds entered a buffer zone on the Turkish border and in the melee at least four protestor were wounded. Turkish officials say the soldiers were fired on first.

A Comprehensive Strategy

When President Obama announced his long-contemplated strategy for confronting the Islamic State (ISIS) last month and made it clear that this would necessitate air strikes in Syria, many Syrians rejoiced at the news, believing that any intervention in their ravaged country was better than no intervention at all. many more "meat-grinders". Urban warfare is probably where they are the most vulnerable. While it's true that their weapons can degrade most buildings in short order, they will also be vulnerable to attack from relatively light ordnance. Their incursions into cities will be costly. While tanks and armour appear fearsome in cities, with out well trained, experienced soldiers to provide cover, they are death traps. One of the key reasons why Ortona is such a good book, is because it describes how the Canadian 1st Division learned, ( the hard way) the urban fighting skills they later used to decimate the German Defenders in the Rhine and the Lowlands. There are usually only a few buildings that are key to an area's defence, and in Ortona, the Canadians learned to take them by Top Floor Mouseholing to get there with minimal casualties and as the easiest way to neutralize buildings defences, take the key, and after that, it was just a case of mopping up the defenders that couldn't retreat. Turkish tanks and other ground forces have been stationed along the border within a few hundred yards of the fighting in Kobani, also known as Ayn Arab, but have not intervened. And while Turkey said just days ago that it wouldn't kobani let Kobani fall, there's no indication the government is prepared to make a major move to save it. We are besieged by Turkey, it is not something new,” said Ismet Sheikh Hassan, the Kurdish defence chief for the Kobani region. Clearly, Turkey is more concerned with extinguishing the seeds of Kurdish freedom than taking on ISIS, while the Obama administration builds a clumsy collection of passive and questionable partners kobani,kobane,ypg in this so-called anti-ISIS coalition, while failing to support what have been the most effective opponents - the Kurdish movement in Rojava (Syria) - of the ISIS drive to expand it's territory. overriding ones in US policy. Though are you talking about the FP establishment or the combined elements of the US left? They're almost completely separate groups. FGM, torture, child abuse, political imprisonment, etc are not given kobani,kobane,ypg much consideration by the former, except (sometimes) in terms of how to manage public opinion. The same would be true of your hypothetical MGM. That the Turks got a SOFA that nobody else in the world, even the Brits, got. oil. Certainly not enough to be a member of OPEC. And we started providing the aid immediately following the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Egypt is the second largest recipient of US military and and the 28th largest kobani,kobane,ypg producer of oil. They are much more useful as an ally in the region than as an oil producer. But after the bomb goes off, there's a handy crater left behind to shelter in. And forces all around the crater to keep moving. SURUÇ, Turkey—He gazes at the photograph of his daughter Evan on his cellphone as he offers to let me look. She is 18 years old with long dark wavy hair. It isn't a snapshot but a more formally posed picture. The girl has lively eyes, a pleasant smile. It was taken shortly before she left a note for her parents telling them she was crossing the border into Syria to join the Kurdish defense militia, the YPG. That was six months ago and last week she contacted him and explained she was fighting the militants of the Islamic State in the besieged town of Kobani. Kamara was described as being a member of Jabhat al-Nusra, an affiliate group of al-Qaida which has fought against both the forces of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, and Islamic State militants in the country's civil war. Abadi said in part that he has asked Obama for weapons and had emphasized the importance of the respect of the sovereignty of Iraq and the territorial integrity of Iraq”.

The Battle For Kobani

Children armed with AK-47s fought to the death to defend Kobani yesterday after air strikes failed to stop their Islamic State enemies. But this week, the U.S. dramatically upped its air power strikes against IS in and around Kobani, including 53 strikes over the last three days alone. Several hundred IS fighters were killed, the Pentagon said. Now, the U.S. cannot afford to lose Kobani, said Robert Ford, the former U.S. ambassador to Syria. That means the city's fate is tied, in part at least, to the success of the U.S.-led strategy against the Islamic State. It has become ever clearer in the past few days: If Obama really wants to stop ISIS, he's going to have to give up on toppling Assad. The two goals are at cross purposes. The US and Europe stood by and allowed kobani,kobane,ypg Hitler and Mussolini to assist Franco when the leftists in Spain were violently crushed. It's the same with the Kurds. Kurds on the Turkish side, on the border to Kobane, have been calling it "our dear plane". Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday he had been informed that agreement was reached for 200 Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters to pass through Turkey to help defend the Syrian border town of Kobani kobani,kobane,ypg against Islamic State militants. Turkey is facilitating the passage of Kurdish "peshmerga" fighters to the besieged Syrian border town of Kobani, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday. British people are sickened that a British citizen could be involved in murdering people, including a fellow British citizen, who had gone to Syria to help people. The United Nations security council unanimously adopted a resolution to crack down on flows of foreign terrorist fighters”. Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi met with Obama and asked for weapons, saying the Iraqi army had lost many of its weapons to Isis. Obama said violent extremism” in the Muslim world” was one issue that risks a cycle of conflict that could derail” world progress. But we welcome the scrutiny of the world - because what you see in America is a country that has steadily worked to address our problems and make our union more perfect. The Nusra Front withdrawal was posted on social media accounts linked to the group, notes analyst Charles Lister. Whatever we're dropping on ISIL should be similarly fortified, and then we should deliberately drop a few duds they can look at and discover pig blood or pig fat smeared on. Pictures of US Air Force women at the controls of drones, and dropping the hint that every drone team in the US that's in this war, has a woman pulling the trigger. Costs money to scrap that stuff, so the US through various agencies, bought a bunch of it and shipped it to the Croats and Bosnians. But the difference here is the push by women for equality within the context of a socio-economic and political model that emphasizes horizontal human relations. This is a wonderful development, and it will take time kobani,kobane,ypg to take root, and of course, it won't eliminate all cultural patriarchy and theocratic manipulation in one fell swoop. It would be somewhat dangerous though because of all the Russian and Chinese RPGs that IS has. You need to re- read up on Stalingrad, and Urban Combat. Ortona is a good book. The reason the battles over the Red October Factory was so vicious, and neither side quit, is because the factory dominated an entire kobani,kobane,ypg Stalingrad suburb, and who ever controlled the factory, controlled the suburb. And I suppose a Turkish prison would be better than being brutally murdered. Still not an option I'd cheerfully choose, though.