8 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi


Headless Corpses Left İn The Street And Victims With Their Eyes 'Cut Out', The Savagery Additional coalition airstrikes have also been helpful in stopping ISIS forces from re-supply. A key tactical strategy which benefits the Kurdish forces and equalizes the fight. IS extremists have been closing in on Kobane for days but Kurdish forces — backed by US-led air power — reportedly managed to roll back IS militants out of several neighborhoods amid heavy fighting overnight. kobane news The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, said coalition aircraft were bombing the IS group whenever possible but the militants were often concealing their movements. Years of fighting between the Turkish army and the PKK killed hundreds on both sides as recently as 2012 and had only recently been halted by a cease fire. That cease fire, though, was threatened by Kurdish unrest over Kobane — and no one wants that. Yet Erdoğan's long-promised constitutional reforms giving Kurds more rights have also stalled. Unluhisarcikli said both sides agree fighting is counterproductive — but that's about as much agreement as you get.kobane news In addition a contingent of 72 Peshmerga fighters is being flown separately to Turkey's Sanliurfa province and will then pass through a border corridor into Kobane early on Wednesday. A spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, Halgort Hekmat, said all problems had been sorted out and that their fighters would not just be providing tactical support, as previously suggested, but fully engaged in the fight against the Islamic State. If you want to do something for me, support my struggle. You have remained silent against all the malfunctions of the state. Say enough is enough to people being killed on the streets, to their being exposed to gas kobane news bombs, to their being bombed as what happened in Roboski. I would continue to join the demonstrations and the activities of associations if I were living with you. I entrust my struggle to you until I come back. Kobani, my home town, has been under a tough military siege by Isis for the last two years. Most of life's basic requirements were lacking as the all the town's routes were blocked. I had to quit my studies in Aleppo because of the difficulty in getting in and out of Kobani. Though my father is a lawyer, he was hardly able to cope with the expenses of my other four brothers with the slump in the economy and the loss of jobs.kobani news live But this has been resisted by the Western allies while they work out which moderate opposition groups they will arm and train over coming months to provide the boots on the ground that the allies have refused kobane news to deploy to the region. Senior military sources have repeatedly told Sky News that it will take at least a year to train moderate rebels - and that who to train and where to train them has yet to be decided. The deployment, which comes at a time when Kurdish forces are still engaged in heavy fighting against IS militants in Iraq, stretches the bounds of regional autonomy, and had previously drawn flak from some federal lawmakers. But the Iraqi premier and other senior federal officials have been publicly silent on the issue, indicating their at least tacit acceptance of the deployment. Don't just get informed, get active! Receive regular emails about GLW & progressive events in your area. Ekram added: My 11-year-old son was dragged off a bus by IS. They found a copy of the Koran in his pocket that my wife had given him for luck. They ripped it to pieces and threw it on the floor. Realising he was Kurdish, they pushed him into a line to be taken away and beheaded. One young boy and his sister were stranded on the outskirts of Kobane five days ago when IS swept into town.
Istanbul, Turkey — The decision by Iraq 's Kurdish regional government to send fighters with heavy weapons to reinforce the beleaguered Syrian-Kurdish town of Kobane is offering hope to its defenders, who have been holding off fighters from the self-declared Islamic State in a 37-day siege. The various factions have in the past had poor relations, but have been forced to unite due to the threat posed by the IS.

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